New consolidated 24-hour reporting period: Effective January 1, 2013, pursuant to AB 481 (Chap. 496, Statutes of 2012), the "late contribution" reporting period (Govt Code section 82036) has been redefined, so that it is subsumed within the pre-existing 90-day "election cycle" reporting period. This effectively consolidates reporting of contributions of $1,000 or more made or received, and independent expenditures of $1,000 or more, within 90-days of an election (instead of identifying separate 90-day and 16-day reporting periods). Both recipients and donors of contributions of $1,000 or more, and those making independent expenditures of $1,000 or more, are required to report these activities electronically or online within 24 hours, if those activities occur within 90 days of the election.
Reporting cumulative totals for independent expenditures on 24-hour independent expenditure reports (Form 496): Pursuant to a Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) regulation 18550, independent expenditure reports (Form 496) disclosing expenditures of $1,000 or more within 24-hours on or after 90 days before an election should report, in the description field (alongside the description of the expenditure that triggered the 24-hour reporting (e.g., radio advertisement; billboard; mass mailing)), the total of all expenditures made to date in support or opposition to a candidate or measure. The amount of the expenditure (of $1,000 or more) that triggers the requirement for filing the 24-hour independent expenditure report (Form 496) should be included in the amount field.
New verification statement for principal officers, candidates or ballot measure proponents: Effective January 1, 2013, pursuant to AB 481 (Chap. 496, Statutes of 2012), principal officers of independent expenditure committees, and, for controlled committees, candidates or state measure proponents controlling the committee, must complete and submit to the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) a verification statement (Form 462). The verification statement can be found online at the FPPC website (
Filing exemption for certain political party central committee candidates: Effective January 1, 2013, pursuant to AB 2191 (Chap. 502, Statutes of 2012), candidates for political party central committee offices who raise less $1,000 and spend less than $1,000 in a calendar year are no longer required to file campaign reports required by the Political Reform Act.