All direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machines used after January 1, 2006, must have an accessible voter-verified paper audit trail, pursuant to California Elections Code Section 19250. All voters voting on an electronic voting machine should review and verify their ballot choices on this printed paper record, prior to finalizing and casting their ballot. Once the ballot is cast, this paper record of the ballot is retained inside the voting machine as part of the election audit trail to verify the accuracy of the votes recorded. In accordance with California law, voters do not get a printed paper record of their vote choices.

California Counties that use Sequoia:

Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz.

Sequoia Optech Insight and Insight Plus

Step 1:

  • The elections officer will give you paper ballot pages that are printed on both sides of the page. Be sure to vote on both sides of the page.
  • A secrecy folder will also be provided to you. This folder allows you to carry your voted ballot at the poll in complete privacy.

Step 2:

  • Using the pen provided by the poll worker, mark the ballot by drawing a line between the head and tail of an arrow that points to your choice. To vote for a write-in candidate, write the name of the write-in candidate in the space marked "Write-In." You must draw a line connecting the head and tail of the arrow that points at the "Write-In" space for your write-in vote to be counted. REMEMBER: Only write-in votes for qualified write-in candidates will be counted. A list of qualified write-in candidates is available at the poll.
  • If you make a mistake while voting simply request another ballot from the poll worker.

Person marking ballot, connecting the head and tail of the arrow that points to your choice.

Before and after showing an unmarked and marked choice for a candidate.


Step 3

  • Feed your ballot pages, one by one, into the slot in the front of the "Insight" (the blue electronic ballot box). The ballot can be fed into the "Insight" in any direction: upside down, right side up, backwards or forwards.
  • The "Insight" counts the votes electronically when the ballots are inserted by the voter. Paper ballots are stored in a locked compartment inside the "Insight."

Sequoia Edge I and Edge II

Step 1: Activate Your Ballot

  • A poll worker will give you a single-use "Voter Card."
  • Insert the card into the yellow slot on the Sequoia voting machine to activate your ballot.
  • The card will remain in the machine until you have completed voting.

Showing voting card being inserted into voting machine.


Step 2: Vote

  • When the list of choices appears on the screen, simply touch the box containing your preference.
  • To change your selection, touch the box again.
  • Touch the "Next" or "Back" arrows at the bottom of the screen to turn pages in your ballot.

Showing voter touching the choice on the screen of the voting machine.


Step 3: Print and Verify

  • After marking your ballot, a review screen allows you to see all of your selections.
  • To make a change, touch the box you would like to revise and you will be returned to the corresponding page of the ballot.
  • After completing your ballot review on-screen, you will be asked to print and review a paper record of your ballot.
  • A paper record of your selections will appear in the window on the left of the screen.

Review screen of Voting System.


Step 4: Cast Ballot

  • After verifying the paper record, you may either touch the "Make Changes" or "Ballot" button on the screen.
  • If you choose to make changes, a new paper record incorporating your revisions will be printed.
  • When you select Cast Ballot,the printer will indicate the paper record was accepted by the voter. The paper and electronic record will remain securely stored inside the machine.

Voter choosing Ballot button on the screen of the voting system.