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June 3, 2014, Primary Election
Required Filing Fees, In-Lieu Signatures, and Nomination Signatures

The below table sets forth the salary, the filing fee, the amount of signatures in lieu of filing fees and their respective monetary value, as well as the required number of nomination signatures for federal, state constitutional, legislative and judicial candidates.

§§ 8062, 8103, 8106(a)1

OfficeSalary2Filing Fee
(% of salary)2
In-Lieu SignaturesValue of each SignatureNomination Signatures
Governor $173,987 $3,479.74 (2%) 10,000 $ .347974 65-100
Lieutenant Governor $130,490 $2,609.80 (2%) 10,000 $ .26098 65-100
Secretary of State $130,490 $2,609.80 (2%) 10,000 $ .26098 65-100
Controller $139,189 $2,783.78 (2%) 10,000 $ .278378 65-100
Treasurer $139,189 $2,783.78 (2%) 10,000 $ .278378 65-100
Attorney General $151,127 $3,022.54 (2%) 10,000 $ .302254 65-100
Insurance Commissioner $139,189 $2,783.78 (2%) 10,000 $ .278378 65-100
Member, State Board of
Equalization (All Districts)
$130,490 $1,304.90 (1%) 5,220 $ .249980 40-60
Member of the House of
$174,000 $1,740.00 (1%) 3,000 $ .580000 40-60
Member of the State Senate $95,291 $952.91 (1%) 3,000 $ .317636 40-60
Member of Assembly $95,291 $952.91 (1%) 1,500 $ .635273 40-60
Supreme Court
(Associate Justice)
$221,292 $4,425.84 (2%) 10,000 $ .442584 None
Courts of Appeal $207,463 $2,074.63 (1%) 8,299 $ .2499855 None
Superintendent of Public
$151,127 $3,022.54 (2%) 10,000 $ .302254 65-100


June 3, 2014, Primary Election Only
Write-In Candidates for Voter-Nominated Offices

Write-In candidates for voter-nominated offices may be nominated at the primary election by fulfilling the requirements of Part 3 of Division 8 of the Elections Code, commencing at Section 8600:

Statement of Write-In Candidacy

Between April 7, 2014 (E-57), and May 20, 2014 (E-14), file a Statement of Write-In Candidacy. The Statement of Write-In Candidacy shall contain the following information:

  • Candidate's name,
  • Candidate's complete residence address,
  • A declaration stating that the candidate is a write-in candidate,
  • The name of the office for which the candidate is running,
  • The date of the election,
  • Candidate's 10-year political party preference history.§ 8600

Nomination Papers

Between April 7, 2014 (E-57), and May 20, 2014 (E-14), circulate nomination papers for signatures within the jurisdiction and leave them for examination with the county elections official of the county in which the signers reside.§ 8601

Signers must be voters in the district or political subdivision in which the write-in candidate is to be voted on.§ 8603

The required numbers of signers to a write-in nomination paper for the respective offices are as follows:

  • Statewide offices: not less than 65 nor more than 100§ 8062(a)(1)
  • Member of the House of Representatives and state legislative office: not less than 40 nor more than 60§ 8062(a)(2)

Write-in candidates for voter-nominated office can only run in the primary election. A write-in candidate from the primary election is eligible to have his or her name on the ballot in the general election only if that candidate is one of the top-two vote-getters at the primary election.§ 8605


June 3, 2014, Primary Election, November 4, 2014, General Election
Write-In Candidates for Nonpartisan Office

Write-in candidates for nonpartisan offices may be nominated at the primary election or elected to any office at the general election by fulfilling the requirements of Part 3 of Division 8 of the Elections Code, commencing at Section 8600:

Statement of Write-In Candidacy

Between April 7, 2014 (E-57), and May 20, 2014 (E-15), for the primary election, and September 8, 2014, and October 21, 2014, for the general election, file a Statement of Write-In Candidacy. The Statement of Write-In Candidacy shall contain the following information:

  • Candidate's name,
  • Candidate's complete residence address,
  • A declaration stating that the candidate is a write-in candidate,
  • The name of the office for which the candidate is running,
  • The date of the election.§ 8600

Nomination Papers

For the primary election, between April 7, 2014 (E-57), and May 20, 2014 (E-14), circulate nomination papers for signatures within the jurisdiction and leave them for examination with the county elections official of the county in which the signers reside.§ 8601

For the general election, between September 8, 2014 (E-57), and October 21, 2014 (E-14), circulate nomination papers for signatures within the jurisdiction and leave them for examination with the county elections official of the county in which the signers reside.§ 8601

There is no party preference requirement for signers of write-in nomination petitions.

The required numbers of signers to a write-in candidate's nomination paper for State Superintendent of Public Instruction is as follows:

  • Not fewer than 65 or more than 100§ 8602(a)(1)

General Information

Any candidate who at the primary election receives votes on a majority of all the ballots cast for candidates for that office shall be elected to that office. Where a candidate has been elected to a nonpartisan office at the primary election, that office shall not appear on the ballot at the ensuing general election.§ 8140

If no candidate has been elected to a nonpartisan office pursuant to Section 8140, then the candidates receiving the two highest numbers of votes cast for nomination to the office shall be candidates at the ensuing general election.§ 8141

In the case of a tie vote, nonpartisan candidates receiving the same number of votes shall be candidates at the ensuing general election if they qualify pursuant to Section 8141 whether or not there are more candidates at the general election than prescribed. In no case shall the tie be determined by lot.


November 4, 2014, General Election Only
Independent Candidates for Nonpartisan and Voter-Nominated Offices

A candidate for a nonpartisan office or a voter-nominated office, for which no candidate has been nominated at the primary election, may be nominated subsequent to or in lieu of a primary election pursuant to the independent nomination provisions of Part 2 of Division 8 of the Elections Code beginning at Section 8300.§ 8300


June 3, 2014, Primary Election
Filing Dates and Deadlines for Federal, Statewide, and Legislative Candidates

Dec 27, 2013 to Feb 20, 2014
(E-158 to E-103)
Period for obtaining and filing signatures in lieu of filing fees.§ 8106(b)

Feb 10 to Mar 7, 2014
(E-113 to E-88)
Period for filing the Declaration of Candidacy and nomination papers.§ 8020

Mar 83 to Mar 12, 2014 [5:00 p.m.]
(E-87 to E-83)
Nomination period extension if eligible incumbent does not file.§ 8022

Apr 7 to May 20, 2014
(E-57 to E-14)
Period for filing a Statement of Write-In Candidacy and nomination papers.§ 8601


November 4, 2014, General Election
Filing Dates and Deadlines for Federal, Statewide, and Legislative Candidates

July 29, 2014
Deadline for candidates to change their ballot designation from what was used in the primary election.§13107(e)

September 8, 2014 to October 21, 2014
(E-57 to E-14)
Period for filing a Statement of Write-In Candidacy for nonpartisan office.§ 8601


November 4, 2014, General Election
Filing Dates and Deadlines for Judicial Candidates (Supreme and Appellate Courts)

Jun 13 to Jul 31, 2014
Period for obtaining and filing signatures in lieu of filing fees.§ 8106(b)

Jul 16 to Aug 15, 2014
Period for filing the Declaration of Candidacy.Cal. Const. art. VI, § 16(d)(1)



  1. Because of the requirements of the Political Reform Act, As Amended, a candidate should visit the website of the Fair Political Practices Commission for the most recent copy of the Information Manual on Campaign Disclosure Provisions of the Political Reform Act, which gives the filing requirements for reporting campaign contributions, etc. or contact the Fair Political Practices Commission at (916) 322-5660.
  2. Due to the requirements of the Federal Election Campaign Act (as amended), candidates for federal office should contact the Federal Election Commission at 999 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20463, or call (800) 424-9530 for a copy of the Act, related regulations, and instruction manuals giving filing requirements for reporting campaign contributions and the forms on which to file.
  3. In this calendar, any reference to "County Elections Official" or "Clerk" means "Registrar of Voters" or "County Clerk" when the County Clerk is the ex-officio Registrar of Voters.
  4. Elections Code section 16 requires that the county elections official provide a copy of Government Code section 84305 to each candidate or his or her agent at the time of filing the Declaration of Candidacy. Government Code section 84305 is reproduced here for your information:
    1. Except as provided in subdivision (b), no candidate or committee shall send a mass mailing unless the name, street address, and city of the candidate or committee are shown on the outside of each piece of mail in the mass mailing and on at least one of the inserts included within each piece of mail of the mailing in no less than 6-point type which shall be in a color or print which contrasts with the background so as to be easily legible. A post office box may be stated in lieu of a street address if the organization's address is a matter of public record with the Secretary of State.
    2. If the sender of the mass mailing is a single candidate or committee, the name, street address, and city of the candidate or committee need only be shown on the outside of each piece of mail.
    3. If the sender of a mass mailing is a controlled committee, the name of the person controlling the committee shall be included in addition to the information required by subdivision (a).
  5. Unless another time is specified in this calendar, 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for a candidate to complete an action on behalf of his or her candidacy.


  1. All code section references are to the California Elections Code unless otherwise stated.
  2. Salaries and filing fees for federal, state constitutional and legislative candidates are based on salaries as of December 2, 2013; fees for Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal justices are based on salaries as of July 1, 2013.
  3. Date falls on a weekend; it does not move forward to the next business day.