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Statement of Vote

Registration and Participation

Vote Summaries

Voting Systems Used By Counties

The Statement of Vote

Supplement to the Statement of Vote


United States Senator (Full Term)

United States Senator (Partial/Unexpired Term)

State Ballot Measures

  • Statewide Summary by County - Proposition 1 and Propositions 26-31  (PDF) | (XLSX)
  • Political Districts within Counties - Proposition 1 and Propositions 26-31  (PDF) | (XLSX)
  • Counties by Congressional Districts - Proposition 1 and Propositions 26-31  (PDF) | (XLSX)
  • Counties by Senate Districts - Proposition 1 and Propositions 26-31  (PDF) | (XLSX)
  • Counties by Assembly Districts - Proposition 1 and Propositions 26-31  (PDF) | (XLSX)
  • Counties by Board of Equalization Districts - Proposition 1 and Propositions 26-31  (PDF) | (XLSX)