The California Secretary of State periodically provides written guidance and information to the state's county elections officials to help ensure a smooth electoral process.

The written advisories -- known as CCROVs since they are directed to County Clerks & Registrars of Voters -- are posted here shortly after they are provided to county elections officials. Electronic copies of all CCROVs dating back to January 1, 2013, are posted here.

To obtain a copy of a CCROV issued in 2012 or earlier -- or if you have any questions or comments -- please email the Elections Division staff using our online form or call (916) 657-2166.

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Date CCROV Number Title
9/29/2020 20227 General Election: Ballot Identification Envelopes: Mismatched Signatures and Unsigned Envelopes - Revised (PDF)
9/29/2020 20226 Emergency Regulations: Signature Verification, Ballot Processing, and Ballot Counting (PDF)
9/29/2020 20225 General Election: HAVA: First-Time Voter ID Requirements (PDF)
9/28/2020 20224 General Election: Election Observations Rights and Responsibilities (PDF)
9/28/2020 20223 General Election: Cameras at Polling Locations (PDF)
9/28/2020 20222 General Election: Electioneering (PDF)
9/25/2020 20221 General Election: Ballot Identification Envelopes: Mismatched Signatures and Unsigned Envelopes (PDF)
9/25/2020 20220 Language Accessibility Advisory Committee: October 7, 2020, Meeting (PDF)
9/23/2020 20219 General Election: Reporting Instructions for the October 19, 2020, 15-Day Report of Registration (PDF)
9/22/2020 20218 Elections: Remote Access Vote-by-Mail (RAVBM) (PDF)
9/21/2020 20217 Initiative: Second Court Order Related to Deadlines for Initiative 1886, Related to Gambling (PDF)
9/18/2020 20216 Publication: Updated 2020 Poll Worker Training Standards (PDF)
9/17/2020 20215 General Election: Natural Disaster - Displaced from Residence (PDF)
9/17/2020 20214 General Election: Voter Bill of Rights Posters (PDF)
9/16/2020 20213 Emergency Regulations: Risk Limiting Audits (PDF)
9/16/2020 20212 General Election: Monthly Cost Reporting (PDF)
9/16/2020 20211 General Election: Election Observer Panel Plan (EOPP) and Computer Vote Count Program (PDF)
9/16/2020 20210 General Election: UOCAVA/MOVE Act Survey (PDF)
9/15/2020 20209 General Election: Correction to Vote Safe California Early Voting Locations Information Page (PDF)
9/11/2020 20208 Voter Education and Outreach: National Voter Registration Day (PDF)
9/10/2020 20207 Referendum: 1892, Related to Tobacco (PDF)
9/10/2020 20206 General Election: Vote Safe California Information Pages (PDF)
9/10/2020 20205 General Election: Intelligent Mail Barcode Implementation and Vote-by- Mail Ballot Issuance Survey (PDF)
9/10/2020 20204 Initiative: 1891, Related to Sovereignty (PDF)
9/10/2020 20203 Voter Education and Outreach: High School Voter Education Weeks September 14-25, 2020 (PDF)
9/9/2020 20202 General Election: Surrendering Vote-by-Mail Ballots (PDF)
9/8/2020 20201 Voting Systems: OVSTA Monthly Update – September 2020 (PDF)
9/4/2020 20200 Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee: September 16, 2020, Meeting (PDF)
9/4/2020 20199 Regulations: Statewide Voter Registration System (PDF)
9/3/2020 20198 Recall: Third Report for Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom, Filed by Orrin E. Heatlie (PDF)
9/3/2020 20197 Recall: Sixth Report for Recall of Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Filed by Erin Cruz (PDF)
9/3/2020 20196 UOCAVA/MOVE Act: Updated PowerPoint Training and Resources (PDF)
9/3/2020 20195 General Election: Worksite Specific Action Plans Template (PDF)
9/3/2020 20194 General Election: Telephone Based Interpreter Service (PDF)
9/2/2020 20193 General Election: Senate Bill (SB) 423 Waiver Request Form for the November 3, 2020 General Election (PDF)
9/2/2020 20192 General Election: UOCAVA/MOVE Act Survey and Schedule (PDF)
9/2/2020 20191 Voting Modernization Board: Meeting Cancellation Notice (PDF)
9/1/2020 20190 Voter Registration: Deadline to Order Voter Registration and Voter Notification Cards (PDF)