Department of Finance, Administration, Director Records
(Links Collection)
Historical record photographs. c.1915–1938. 3,190 items.

Arranged alphabetically by name of state agency. Formats included are: photograph albums, photographic prints, negatives, and oversized photographic prints.

Photographs document state–owned buildings, equipment, structures and activities of state personnel from various agencies. The largest portion of the collection includes images of such facilities as San Quentin and Folsom State Prisons, state parks, Exposition Park (Los Angeles), State Fairgrounds (Sacramento), Exposition Building (San Diego), state hospitals, state colleges, the University of California, special schools, armories, State Capitol and Capitol Park, and the Governor's Mansion. Of special interest is a large group of images documenting the San Francisco Harbor (c.1915–1930) including the Ferry Building, State Belt Railroad, state dredges and tugboats, piers, warehouses, wood ships, and activities on the waterfront (F3254:59, 271–272).

A smaller portion of the collection is comprised of photos illustrating state agency activities which were collected by the Dept. of Finance for use in legislative budget hearings. This group includes the Dept. of Agriculture's Grain Lab field work and inspection activities; cadets in training at the California Maritime Academy; students and teachers at state colleges; anti–aircraft, tank and artillery training of the California National Guard; registering vehicles at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles; the drafting room at the Div. of Architecture; and, many other state agency activities.

Detailed item-level information is available in the California State Archives online catalog MINERVA.


Department of Finance, California State Fair and Exposition Records
Photographic records of state fair. 1910–1967. 909 items.

Arranged numerically. Formats included are: photographic prints and oversized photographic prints.

The largest portion of this collection consists of State Fair Official Photographs (1951–1958) documenting commercial, international and county exhibits; dignitaries including Governors Warren (F3722:953) and Knight (F3722:1157–1158, 1169, 1310, 1319–1320); fair buildings; and some events such as entertainment, beauty contests and product demonstrations. A panoramic photo of the old fairgrounds on Stockton Blvd, is included, 1910 (F3722:632).

See the California State Fair and Expositions finding aid at the California State Archives for more information.