California Government Code Section 86103 requires lobbyists to attend an ethics course as a condition of registration. The Senate Committee on Legislative Ethics and Assembly Legislative Ethics Committee jointly conduct ethics courses for lobbyists.
Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Ethics Training Information
Important Note:
It is the responsibility of each lobbyist to obtain the course schedule, to sign up for and attend the course as required, and certify the ethics completion date with the office of the Secretary of State’s Political Reform Division by the specified compliance deadline. See the instructions for Form 604 – Lobbyist Certification Statement for filing requirements and compliance deadlines.
Any lobbyist who is required to complete the lobbyist ethics course within the next few months should attend the next available course scheduled by the Legislative Ethics Committees. Advance sign-up is required. Follow the directions on the Lobbyist Ethics Course Sign-Up Form to reserve a space at the course. The sign-up form contains details regarding course site, time, course fee, and the sign-up deadline. Please see the Senate Legislative Ethics Committee's website for lobbyist course information and sign-up.
Course Completion Requirement
There is no provision for waiver of the ethics course completion requirement, nor is there provision for extension of the related filing deadlines.