Who: Statewide elected officers, supreme court justices, candidates for these offices, and their controlled committees.
  • Secretary of State (original and 1 copy)
  • County of Domicile* (1 copy) State candidate committees that file electronically with the Secretary of State do not have file with the county of domicile unless the state candidate has a local committee.


Who: Committees primarily formed to support or oppose a statewide officer, candidate or supreme court justice.
  • Secretary of State (original and 1 copy)


Who: Members of the Legislature or Board of Equalization, court of appeal justices, superior court judges, and candidates for these offices and their controlled committees.
  • Secretary of State (original and 1 copy)
  • County of Domicile* (1 copy) State candidate committees that file electronically with the Secretary of State do not have file with the county of domicile unless the state candidate has a local committee.


Who: Committees primarily formed to support or oppose members of the Legislature or Board of Equalization, court of appeal justices or superior court judges.
  • Secretary of State (original and 1 copy)


Who: Elected members of the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, elected members of the Teachers' Retirement Board, candidates for these offices and their controlled committees.
  • Secretary of State (original and 1 copy)
  • Revelant Board's Office in Sacramento (one copy)


Who: Committees formed or existing primarily to support or oppose elected members of the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, elected members of the Teachers' Retirement Board and candidates for these offices.
  • Secretary of State (original and 1 copy)
  • Relevant Board's Office in Sacramento (one copy)


Who: Elected officers in jurisdictions (excluding legislative, Board of Equalization, or appellate court districts), which contain parts of two or more counties, candidates for such offices and their controlled committees.
  • Affected District (original and 1 copy in county with the largest number of registered voters in the jurisdiction of the election)
  • County of Domicile* (1 copy--file only if location is different from county where active)


Who: Committees primarily formed to support or oppose officers, local ballot measures or candidates running in jurisdictions (excluding legislative, Board of Equalization, or appellate court districts) which contain parts of two or more counties.
  • Affected District (original and 1 copy in county with the largest number of registered voters in the jurisdiction of the election)


Who: County elected officers, candidates for such offices, and their controlled committees.
  • Elections Official of the County (original and 1 copy in county where active)
  • County of Domicile* (1 copy--file only if location is different from county where active)


Who: Committees primarily formed to support or oppose officers or candidates for county elective office voted upon in any number of jurisdictions within a single county election.
  • Elections Official of the County (original and 1 copy in county where active)


Who: City elected officials, candidates for city office, their controlled committees, and committees primarily formed to support or oppose such candidates or officers voted upon in one city election
  • City Clerk (original and 1 copy in city where active)


*A committee is domiciled at the address listed on its campaign statement. If the committee is domiciled outside of California, then Los Angeles shall be considered the county of domicile.