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For Planning Purposes
August 6, 2019


Secretary of State Alex Padilla to Join Central Valley Leaders to Prepare for Statewide 2020 Census Efforts

BAKERSFIELD, CA - On Wednesday, August 7, the California Complete Count – Census 2020 Office (Census Office) will meet with local partners in Bakersfield to coordinate the State’s 2020 Census strategy. This event is one in a series of regional Census Convenings and Implementation Plan Workshops (IPW) in California. Secretary of State Alex Padilla will attend and underscore the importance of a complete count in 2020.

The morning session of the 2020 Census Convening is open to the public and will bring together community leaders, advocates, and regional partners striving toward a complete count in California.

The Secretary of State’s office has compiled fact sheets for 25 Hard-to-Reach California Counties. You can view the fact sheet for Kern County here.

*Media interested in attending should RSVP to


California Secretary of State Alex Padilla
Jesus Martinez, California Complete Count Committee member and chair of the Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative
Emilio Vaca, California Complete Count - Census 2020 Deputy Director of Outreach
Census 2020


California Complete Count Committee Regional Convening


Wednesday, August 7, 2019
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Beale Memorial Library
701 Truxtun Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93301


California Secretary of State Alex Padilla
Sam Mahood, (916) 653-6575

California Complete Count, 916-214-9266


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