In Support of this measure:


Total amount of reported contributions to this measure: $13,121,887*

Individual Ballot Measure Committees Formed for this Measure

Committee ID**

Committee Name

Total Reported Contributions


Animal Equality NonProfit 501(c)(3), a Committee in Support of California Proposition 12



Humane Society Legislative Fund Yes on Proposition 12 (NonProfit 501(c)(4))



Open Philanthropy Action Fund Yes on Prop 12 (NonProfit 501(c)(4))



Yes on Prop 12: Prevent Cruelty California, a Humane Society Committee


*Through 11/04/2018.

**The law also requires ballot measure committees that raise $1 million or more to report the Top 10 Contributors who have donated at least $10,000 to the committee.


In Opposition to this measure:


Total amount of reported contributions to this measure: $566,360*

Individual Ballot Measure Committees Formed for this Measure

Committee ID**

Committee Name

Total Reported Contributions


Californians Against Cruelty, Cages and Fraud -- No on Prop 12 -- Sponsored by Humane Farming Action Fund


*Through 11/04/2018.

**The law also requires ballot measure committees that raise $1 million or more to report the Top 10 Contributors who have donated at least $10,000 to the committee.